Thank you for taking part in this Model United Nations conference and for believing in the power of global cooperation to solve global problems.

Our world needs your engagement and ideas more than ever.

We are living through extremely difficult times.

Conflicts are raging, tensions are rising, and our planet is burning.

Humanitarian needs are at record highs and human rights are under relentless assault.

Hate speech, misinformation and disinformation spread like wildfire on social media.

More than ever, we need global solidarity.

We need the United Nations.

And the United Nations needs you – your energy, creativity, courage, and commitment.

Together, I know we have what it takes to solve our shared challenges.

To heal divisions, repair relations, and build peace.

To extend a helping hand to all those engulfed by war, climate catastrophe and hunger.

To ensure justice and equality for the world’s women and girls and all marginalized communities, particularly the world’s most vulnerable.

And to expand opportunities for all, leaving no one behind.

We at the United Nations will never give up in our quest for a more peaceful and just world.

And I know you won’t either.

That’s why I am fully committed to giving young people a much stronger voice in international affairs.

The United Nations is proud to be your ally. And we count on you to be a force for positive change, now and in the future. I wish you every success.

Thank you.

Rejoins nous !

TaMUN, est une initiative d'étudiants et étudiantes qui a été créée en 2014. Depuis, nous continuons notre mission de départ permettre aux plus grands nombres de comprendre le monde et qu'ils puissent apporter leurs idées et leurs énergies pour le changement.

TaMUN est une initiative à but non-lucrative, non-partisane et indépendante.

Nous cherchons dans le cadre de notre initiative d'organiser un événement à Paris en 2024, plusieurs postes de bénévoles.

Pour votre vocation, il y a une place pour vous